Is Jesus a Muslim?
After Christian priests in Gaza said baby Jesus was Palestinian, others have come out saying he was a Palestinian Jew. What’s the truth? The truth is that Jesus followed the revelation sent to Moses, peace be upon him, that, yes, he was from Palestine and moreover that he is Muslim. But to understand how Jesus is Muslim, it’s important to understand what Islam is. Islam doesn’t just mean peace, although it comes from the same root word in Arabic. Islam means the peace obtained from submitting to the will of God. So it could be said that Islam means submission…
Fundraiser Brings Awareness and Athleticism to Historical Campus in Charlotte Courthouse, Va
The American Muslim Youth Club and IQOU Theological College hosted the third annual Ladies Soccer Tournament Fundraiser in early October at the historical IQOU campus…
Muslims Around the World Celebrate the Birthday of the Best of All Creation! (peace and blessings be upon him)
By S. Aisha B. Hamid Lo! Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Holy Last Messenger. O ye who believe! Ask blessings on him…
Important Facts About the Magnificent Holy Quran
By Khalil Johnston Where did the notion come from that the Holy Qur’an is only the religious book of Muslims? This notion is proven wrong…
An Excerpt from Futuh Al Ghaib
by Hazrat Sheikh Muhyiddin Abdul Qadir Gilani (peace be upon him) The Seventeenth Discourse He (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “When you are…
Madhhab: What is it? How Many are There?
By J. A. Wahid Knowledge of Shariah (basic Islamic law) is an absolute essential, to such an extent, that it has been referred to in…
Continuing the Legacy: TMOA Hosts Ladies and Men Summer Programs
By Aisha Muqit, IP Staff ‘…So remember Me; I will remember you…’ (Surah 2 Ayah 152) ‘…And whoever saves one – it is as if…
The Historical Significance of Ashura
Excerpts are taken from Al Ghunya li Talibi Tariq al Haqq Volume Three by Sayydina Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (peace be upon him) Allah (Glorified…
Figs for Healthy Skin
Grab some fresh and natural fig extract and then use it for your skin. This is actually an innovative way of skincare. Fig extract has…
Herbs to Rejuvenate the Kidneys
We have all heard the expression, “You are what you eat.” Actually, it is more accurately, “You are what you digest”. You are what your…
Fructose: A Metabolic Misfortune
by Hakimah Raziya A. Mumin High fructose is a source of sugar with a hidden agenda. It’s been used for many years and wreaks havoc…
Foods that Decrease Phlegm
By Hakima Raziyah A. Mumin In the book The Canon of Medicine, the renowned author and scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna ) writes about the 4…
Investigating Essential Oils
By Hakima Raziyah A. Mumin There are many forms of herbal healing. You can make a poultice, a tea, a decoction; a bolus, syrup, and…