Mental Variations of a Theme – Are Hallucinations Figments of Imagination?


In the first article of the series we introduced Jani Schofield, a 7 year-old girl unfortunately afflicted with Schizophrenia. The hallmark symptoms of her condition are extremely vivid hallucinations which have debilitated the Schofield family structure.  It was when these hallucinations caused her to became violent that her parents sought help.  To this point there has been no apparent relief for this poor girl or her family.  Must they continue to live like this?  The answer is a resounding “No!”  What must be done requires acquiescence of all involved to the true nature of this condition.  When the actual cause of her hallucinations is realized, the appropriate treatment strategies can be instituted and this child may finally have some peace of mind. For this to occur, a fundamental understanding of the nature of hallucinations is necessary.

Hallucinations have been defined as perceptions in a conscious and awake state in the absence of external stimuli that have qualities of real perception in that they are vivid, substantial, and located in external objective space.  Perception is divided into three types: memory, normal perception and imagination. Respectively these are perceiving things as they were, as they are and as they might be.  Hallucinations take things from the imagination and perceive them as real. Basically, a person may see, feel, smell, taste or hear things in their external environment that is real to them but not apparent to others. Hallucinations can be associated with intoxicants such as drugs, alcohol, prescription medications, and sickness or other health disturbances. Specifically in regards to Schizophrenia, hallucinations are associated with the idea that the afflicted individual has undergone a loss of sense agency; which means that on some level they have loss the subjective feeling of controlling their own actions.  Considered a part of the constellation of so called “positive” symptoms of Schizophrenia, the usual treatment is anti-psychotic medications.  The cause of Schizophrenia is unknown and treatment is usually to reduce symptoms.  In the case of Jani, her schizophrenia has likely created a mind that she does not have control of that subsequently produces images that she can interact with.  Subsequently, as her disease progresses she continues to lose more control of her actions, and the hallucinations worsen.  This is the current explanation for what is occurring with Jani. But what if I told you that this is not correct, and the cause for her schizophrenia and subsequent hallucinations is known? Most people would not believe me and would probably stop reading this article.

In order to understand the fundamental error involved with current reasoning behind the cause of Schizophrenia and associated symptoms, one must understand the philosophy behind the true etiology. However, before one can begin to comprehend the true cause, it is important that they have an idea about the decline in the spiritual evolution of man.  In ancient times man generically had a better understanding of God and thus a more robust comprehension of the science of the things He created.  Also, man was more aware of his complete subservience to the Almighty creator of all and had a certain level of fear and awe of His Majesty.   Man was also more conscious of the existence of the soul.  As time passed, man became more knowledgeable about created things and began to lose his awareness of God.  This led to less fear and an almost complete disregard to His presence.

Culminating with the advent of the ideology of materialism where the prevailing belief is to divinize man and deny the existence of God entirely.  Moreover the reality of man possessing a soul has also been lost, and man has been reduced to an organic animal.  The consequence of this was a loss of the understanding of true science (which is an outward manifestation of the reality of God) and an increase in the propagation of the science of man (which represents the varied interpretations of true science by men themselves). This frank dilution of true science is evident in the fact that there have been no truly significant scientific discoveries in centuries. My reason for pointing this out is mainly to demonstrate that man has become less “spiritual,” which has led to an increase in spiritual diseases and a lack of understanding in how to care for them. These spiritual diseases are manifested in the myriad of mental illness seen today. So what is the true nature of these diseases and how does this help Jani and the Schofield family?  Find out in the next edition of the Islamic Post.  As always, only by the will and might of Allah, the All Glorious, can we be healed.