Extremist Wahhabis Attack


CORRECTION: In this edition, March Volume II 2010, the Islamic Post printed an erroneous statement that Mulla Fazl ur Rahman, party secretary of the Jamiatul Islam, was arrested for shooting into a rally. Mulla Fazl ur Rahman was not arrested. The shooters in Dera Khan and Faisalabad were not identified. They attacks were, however, believed to be connected to extremist pro-Taliban factions intent upon destroying Islam in Pakistan. The correct version of the article is below:

The Islamic Post

Seven people have died and dozens are injured in Dera Ismail Khan and Faisalabad after unidentified gunmen shot into crowds of Muslims gathered for the annual celebration of the birthday of Holy Last Messenger, peace be upon him. 

Seven people have died and dozens are injured in Dera Ismail Khan and Faisalabad after unidentified gunmen shot into crowds of Muslims gathered for the annual celebration of the birthday of Holy Last Messenger, peace be upon him. 

In Karachi, authorities were successful in raiding the hideout belonging to Lashkar e Janghvi and apprehending three Wahhabi terrorists, recovering 20kg of explosives and explosive devices which they had planned to use during the birthday rallies in Karachi.

However, on the whole, the Pakistan government has not been able to contain or control terrorist elements -who reportedly have sympathizers in the circle of government.  

Unlike in America, where Muslims are holding parades this month in honor of the Holy Last Messenger (peace be upon him), and are able to celebrate the birth of this most noble personage freely, and with great fervour along with their cousins in faith -Christians, such is not the case in Pakistan.  

Extremists are cruelly killing all those people who invoke the name of the Holy Last Messenger (peace be upon him). Those who call out "Oh Holy Messenger!," and  "Oh Prophet of God," (peace be upon him) are bombed, struck and shot.  

The same treatment is afforded those who mention the name of Hazrat Ali (may Allah ennoble his countenance).  

These terrorists, hiding under the name of a great religion have killed a great number of the descendants of the founder of Islam, the Holy Last Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him), and are, to date, on track to achieving their target, namely, to obliterate the family of the Holy Last Messenger (peace be upon him) from the earth, if possible.

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