The Secret to True Health Lies In A Strong Immune System

Cold and flu season has finally arrived, and it is very likely your immune system is in battle. Ever-present viral and bacterial agents are constantly waiting to attack healthy cells. There are also many man made germs and chemicals that are major contributors to our illnesses.

The Heart of Holy Quran

Elaborating on its background, its purpose, its message, guidance, warning, and the wisdom which is contained therein.

Axioms of Sayyidinaa Imam ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib

With Commentary by His Son Al Imam Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, Hasani wal Hussaini al Hashimi [Hafithahullah].

Medical Breakthrough: Extraordinary Discovery of Swine Flu Cure via El Gilani Methodology

It has been discovered that El Gilani Methodology (EGM) of Quranic therapy can and has cured victims of H1N1, also known as swine flu. In one such case...

Students Grapple with Face Veil Ban at Al-Azhar

Women generally wear the niqab to protect themselves from being seen by men.