What is Disease?
This over abundance of toxins, attack, infects, and dismantles the immune system. Often these toxins become trapped in one area, making it harder to remove them. Trapped toxins have many names, warts, boils, tumors, swellings and inflammation.
Toxemia is the cause of all illnesses. All diseases are one, in the sense that they stem from imbalance, inflammation, high acidity, excessive mucus, diarrhea, and or constipation. When your body is riddled with disease one of the aforementioned symptoms are usually present. When we remove the cause of illness our health returns, InshAllah.
Modern medicine treats the symptoms and not the cause. If we continue to poison ourselves our health will gradually depreciate. Name any illness and the root cause is due to toxic overload. The aging process is speed up by consuming toxins.
Everyday foods are laced with impurities. Fast foods are the worst. It is important to be aware of what is halal and haram. Your ibadah will not be accepted consuming haram foods. Read food labels, what is in McDonalds fries? What are the ingredients inside of their coffee latte, or their hot apple pie? Having a diet that is high in toxicity isn’t worth your trouble. Coffee, powdered and liquid creamers are full of plastic, inorganic dairy products, excess sugar; chemical additives found in processed foods, store bought pies and cookies, fried foods using hydrogenated oils; all processed foods, drugs, food dyes, genetically modified foods (GMO’s), acidic foods such as junk foods, and trans fats are causes of disease. Trans fats, which are in processed foods, not only age you but they cause chronic inflammation.
Clinical studies reveal that trans fats also damage the lungs, clog our arteries, increase chances of arthritis, attack our immune system, and cause autoimmune diseases. Over the last century, scientists have discovered many microorganisms that cause diseases in humans and animals.
We should always remember that the best treatment for disease is prevention. If you look at the top ten illnesses you will find that they are all curable, and treatable. Diseases such as Lupus, Asthma, Cancer, Aids, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Influenza, Eczema, and Hepatitis can be dramatically improved and often erased if you eat for health. Allow your food to be your medicine. Remove the cause and your health will return, InshAllah.
Over eating is another reason for illness, and disease. Excessive food causes gas pressure in the colon. Excessive gas in the body interferes with the heart, and the circulation of the blood. This causes nutrition to be disturbed, and it can also cause intestinal and glandular infections. If you want to be healthy you should put the best foods you can into your diet. Read labels, eat organic, Fresh greens, vegetable juices, and grass fed animals.
Disease creeps into existence because we are not fully aware of what exactly is harmful and toxic. The sad news is that mostly everything is. Lotions, perfumes, hand and spray sanitizers such as Lysol, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, room fresheners and toothpaste are all toxic. If you don’t believe it do your own research.
So now the question is how healthy do you want to be? Do you want to be disease free? Are you able to stay away from the harmful foods and cosmetics? Are you hooked on the easy way of living to the point of illness?
There is also the spiritual side to healing. Your deeds do play a role in your well being. What you say (cursing and backbiting), looking at pornography, lustful stares, and the things you do, breaking Allah’s Law, affect you too.
What is meant to happen to you won’t miss you. Allah Ta Ala is the Healer. Following the middle course and making a conscience effort to eat better can change your life. Remember eat less, talk less, and sleep less. Don’t put so much importance on eating. Special occasions, celebrations, Jumma, and festivals should be the time for concentration on extraordinary meals. Cooking shows, fast food, and overeating is making us fat, and sick.
Medications have so many side effects. However grabbing a Tylenol is the most popular method of solving an illness. Maybe someday in the near distant future when drugs are no longer affordable, you may need a list of herbs to cure basically all illnesses. Here is a list of some of the most important herbs to have in your home;
Rosemary, ginger, thyme, peppermint, garlic, hawthorn, ginkgo biloba, bilberry, myrrh, red raspberry, echinacea, milk thistle, astragalus, ginseng, (for males), don qui (for females), cayenne, sage, red clover, licorice, saw palmetto, eye bright, lemon balm, dandelions, cinnamon, turmeric, black seed, and fennel.
Start collecting them while you can, make a little log for yourself, keep notes of what you used them for. Become an Herbalist and spread your knowledge and help others do the same.