The Essence of Having Good Hobbies
Some hobbies are initially started as something to do as pasttime, as opposed to doing something for “fun” or out of necessity. Having a hobby that is enriching and satisfying has so much to offer. The heart and soul of a hobby is that it allows one to develop beneficial skills, as well as derive therapeutic properties. There are all sorts of hobbies and projects in which to be engaged. The list can be extensive, including such things as building a log cabin, building a stone house, raising a barn, developing a water supply, building a fireplace, building fences, water powered-non electrical solar energy, a kitchen garden, starting your own seeds, herb gardening, starting your orchard, bee keeping, fish farming, raising livestock, setting up a simple root cellar.
Additional areas of interest may include canning preserving jams and jellies, jerking, making cheese, churning butter, making yogurt, crocheting, knitting, braiding rugs, patchwork quilting, tanning and leather work, wood working, metal working (making a reflector oven for the fireplace), soap making and candle making, homemade toys (dolls and blocks, etc.),archery and marksman (use in deer hunting), homemade candy, making maple syrup and sugar, making rustic furniture, herbal medicines, preserving meat and fish (smoking), raising grain (wheat).
The overall beauty and significance of concentrating, investing, and putting efforts into a hobby is that it develops skills, as well as sparks one’s entrepreneurial instincts. Equally significant, the idea is to grasp hold of our entrepreneurial spirits and develop them to the fullest; they are sources of livelihood in a free enterprise system which ultimately leads to prosperity.
Thus, it pays to have a keen eye to recognize opportunity, resources and blessings that are oftentimes right in our midst. By the same token, be willing to expand your comfort zone for the sake of improvement, prosperity, and a change for the better. Moreover, new learning is a quest – that in it itself is something to strive for.