Fructose: A Metabolic Misfortune

by Hakimah Raziya A. Mumin High fructose is a source of sugar with a hidden agenda. It’s been used for many years and wreaks havoc...

Foods that Decrease Phlegm

By Hakima Raziyah A. Mumin In the book The Canon of Medicine, the renowned author and scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna ) writes about the 4...

Our Hearts Were Broken On February 14th

By Shazia A. Alim On February 14, 2018 a tragedy occurred within our country, erasing the smile of many parents, grandparents,and siblingings who lost their...

Tennessee, Natural Hair and the Framing of American Racism

It is difficult to debate the deep-rooted racism in America as being exaggerated and non-existent when there are states like Tennessee handing out fines...

American Muslim Undergraduate Chemist Takes Research to Capitol Hill

In March, The Islamic Post covered the story of undergraduate student Abdul-Mannan Giles being awarded an opportunity to participate in the Annual Posters on...