Thinking of Which: El Sheikh is Not for Profit

The Islamic Post

Over the last 30 years El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, El Hashmi, Imam of the Muslims of the Americas Inc and Vice Chancellor of the International Quranic Open University and his followers have been subjected to a consistent and vicious assault.

Over the last 30 years El Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani, El Hashmi, Imam of the Muslims of the Americas Inc and Vice Chancellor of the International Quranic Open University and his followers have been subjected to a consistent and vicious assault. Totally unsubstantiated allegations and fabrications maligning the character have been largely perpetrated by racists and religious bigots supported by the Zionist elitist media who oppose El Sheikh Gilani pioneering efforts in Muslim/Christian unity and the encouraging of Muslims to make a effective contribution to every aspect of the global development of economic, social and political policies and relations.

Most recently these malicious groups have been joined by very cunning individuals, profiteers, who prey on the phobias of a naïve society that is still reeling from the “Islamophobia” that caused chaos and havoc following the 9/11 disaster. Using the same sensationalist tactics as “tabloid journalists” they literally create an aura of danger, fear and mystery around a personality that has already been targeted by hate mongers, namely the media.

They seize the moment to project themselves as a close associate, follower or insider that has access to this not so easily accessible figure. This opens the door for lucrative financial contracts; book deals, interviews and television appearances pay well. They have no values, loyalties or consciences and will not hesitate to harm others to fill their pockets.

Most shameful is the fact that El Sheikh Gilani, who is a direct descendent and member of the blessed and pure family of the Holy Last Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) now has to protect himself from unsavory Muslims driven by greed and possess an unsatisfied desire for fame.

Unfortunately the media is inundated with correspondents who are looking for the “big story” and care little about its authenticity or the consequences of airing it as long as the story sells and his career gets a boost This is the era we live in.

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